A collection of resources and links for our Armed Forces Community.
Careers Portal
Click on the appropriate box to see how you align to open careers of the iMasons Partner companies.
Scholarships and Free Training
Take advantage of job training opportunity programs designed for returning service members.
Watch To Learn

Recommended Listening
Where the Internet Lives
Tune in to Google’s award-winning podcast about the unseen world of data centers.

Provides Entry to Advanced Training
- International Data Center Day - Career Tree
- Uptime Data Center Career Pathfinder
- - Veterans from infantry to submariners are ideally suited for this industry
- - 1,000s of unfilled jobs at all education levels
- - Everything you learned in the military to plan, coordinate and execute your mission is highly valued
- - This industry touches every part of your life (including your family)
- - The global economy depends on it, so it is doubling in size every 3-4 years
- - Locations vary from rural to urban so you choose your lifestyle