
United to build a greater digital future.

Join us to connect, grow, and give back together.

Memberships are based on the role a member plays in the industry.

Partner Member

Partner members are employees or consultants whose primary job is directly or indirectly serving or supplying End Users or other partner companies that serve End Users.

End User Members

End User Members are individuals who design, build and/or operate the infrastructure running their employers’ workloads.

Student Member

Students currently attending a public educational institution receive complimentary membership. Students must provide a valid .edu email address.

Associate Member

An Associate member is an individual currently employed by a government agency, those attending full-time or employed by academic institutions, or those currently employed by non-profit organizations.

Member type is determined by how the member answers a few questions during application.

The annual dues the member pays depend on member type. Members can’t opt out of answering the questions that define membership type. Member type is usually not shared at meetings or in publications. Professionals employed by an iMasons Corporate Partner receive complimentary membership benefits.